Harry Bertoia

Bertoia left Italy when he was 15 years old. In Detroit he studied sculputre and painting at the Institute of Technology. In 1937 he became a lecturer at the Detroit School of Art and Craftsand at the Cranbrook Academy of the Arts. He did all types of work and worked for the most varied of firms; he even designs jewerly. In the 40s he began to experiment with the furniture design. He taught at the Cranbrook Academy of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan where there are no rigid study plans due to the limited number of students. Both students and teachers can go to any lab or studio any time they wish. Each one learns from the other. Artists from many countries have worked and studied there. Bertoia was teaching painting and metal work. In the small workshop in Bally, Pennsylvania, Bertoia created a new series of sculptures with new shapes from which step by step evolved the outline of the chairs mode of steel rods. Bertoia states that his design is intended to create a space which is more pleasurable and diversified via the process of combining technical work with creative art. "Space permeates them", he wrote of his chairs."If you look at them carefully, you can see that they are made primarly as a painter and sculptor (metal sculptures). Although he realized that designing a chair required primarly the resolution of functional. Problems (which he found, his chairs are comfortable) he also visualized the chair as sculture in space. This is why he took care primarly of the spatial qualitā, the color and constructed of metal wire - there are several versions - are objects known today all over the world.


Chair with chromed-plated frame. Upholstered seat covered in leather or fabric.
Size: H 78 HS 46 D 52 W 54 cm
Weight: Kg. 7
Packing: 1 per carton of mc. 0,32


Armchair with chromed-plated frame. Upholstered seat covered in leather or fabric.
Size: H 75 D72 W 82
Weight: Kg. 8
Packing: 1 per carton of mc. 0,60


Stool with chromed-plated frame. Upholstered seat covered in leather or fabric.
Size: H 106 D 56,5 W 54 cm
Weight: Kg. 8
Packing: 1 per carton of mc. 0,60

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